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Simply Trusting

1 Peter 4:19
So then, those who suffer according to God’s will, should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. (NIVUK)

What do you do when you cannot do anything?  The Bible gives one answer, simply trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Indeed, this advice is also very helpful when there are many possible courses of action - when our human flesh incites us to take action to mitigate a problem, before the Lord has given any instructions.  Peter had made that mistake (John 18:10-11).  Suffering makes us want to rise up above it; but Peter says, don't ... put yourself under the Lord’s good hand of command.
The Lord who has made you, and has always watched over you, will never take His eye off you, or abandon you to your enemies (Psalm 3:1-8). Those who put themselves under Him are very wise.  In the 'shadow of his wings' (Psalm 57:1), there is ultimate security.  He makes Himself responsible for us, and there is nothing we need to do except stay close to Him.  But like the chicks which sense danger have to choose to run under the adult's wing for safety, so we have to decide that we will find refuge in no other person or place than the Lord (Matthew 23:37-39).  All alternative strategies will end in disaster.

In the face of enemy opposition, the natural instinct is to hide away from trouble.  But the divine solution is to hide in God (Psalm 27:5; Psalm 64:1-2).  He is a strong fortified tower, the righteous run to Him and are saved (Proverbs 18:10).  The other natural instinct is to stop worshipping and serving the Lord – that certainly plays into the Enemy’s hand.  Instead we should continue to let our light shine in a dark world (Matthew 5:14-16), spurring each other on to do what pleases the Lord and to worship Him (Hebrews 10:24-25).  
The sound of the enemy's attack needs a disciplined response, although it is designed to create maximum confusion (1 Peter 5:8).  Peter says that panic is avoided (with all its potential to 'do something' and get in a worse mess) by declaring the sovereignty of God in the circumstances, allowing Him to defend us.  And while He is protecting us, we should quietly get on with doing what is right and good.  The coolness of this approach may surprise those who are trying to frighten us, but it also demonstrates that we believe that God is in control (1 Peter 3:14-16).  Even in the workplace, this will produce a humble confidence which is a wonderful witness to God's grace.

Almighty God. Thank You for being the every-day and eternal refuge for Your people. Please forgive me for so many self-centred ways in which I have tried to protect myself, instead of committing myself into Your very capable hands and loving care. Forgive me when I have substituted other people, or money, or my own wisdom or energy, instead of relying on Your power. And when You have asked me to work with You, forgive me for being slow to obey because I was frightened. Help me to commit myself to You today and trust You to keep watch, while I get on with life in simple obedience. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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