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Fully Accept The Truth and Share It

1 Timothy 1:15-16
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. (NIVUK)

Paul starts this section of his letter to Timothy with a banner headline, “Christ came into the world to save sinners”.  He calls it a statement upon which people can trust their lives, and eternities.  It is almost too good to be true, but Paul insists that believers fully embrace it.  

Unforgiven sinners, who think honestly about their lives, feel bad and condemned.  However, the truth of the Gospel is so wonderful that they may find it difficult to grasp.  The Lord Jesus Christ came to earth from heaven for a single purpose: to save sinners; and everybody is a sinner.  Christ accepted the guilt of everybody in the world and was punished for it, so that we do not have to suffer God’s judgement.  All those who believe in Jesus are therefore released from God’s condemnation of their sin and receive eternal life – there is no eternal condemnation for them (Romans 8:1).

Paul is not pointing a finger at others.  Although he was an apostle, he knew he was not morally superior.  He admitted that he had previously dedicated his life to being a blasphemer and violent persecutor of Christians, even though he mistakenly thought he was serving God (1 Timothy 1:13).  But when Jesus confronted Paul, he knew that Jesus was the Lord (Acts 22:6-10).  As he submitted to Jesus, he was forgiven and was baptised (Acts 22:16).  That is why Paul’s Gospel ministry also included his personal testimony of God’s merciful patience with him.  If he could be saved, anyone could be saved!  What a message to pass on to others who ignore, rebel against and even hate Jesus.  

Did you know that God wants to use your testimony?  Even the hard or dark parts of your past show how powerful God has been in transforming you from what you were, to what He has made you now.  Telling that story to your friends and colleagues will give some of them the hope they are seeking.  Of course, the purpose of telling our story is not to make people think how wonderful we are; it is to tell how wonderful the Lord Jesus has been to us (Isaiah 63:7).  We need to tell the story of how Jesus met us and saved us.  Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help and be unashamed of telling what great things the Lord has done for you (Mark 5:19).

God of patience, mercy and forgiveness. Thank You for enabling me to see that all my sins were paid for by Jesus. Forgive me for failing to share the story of Your mercy and grace in my life. Please help me to be willing to tell others what Jesus has done for me, so that they can have hope as they reach out to Him in repentance and faith. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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