Godless Talking Is Toxic
Talking is one of the unique distinctive characteristics of being human. While many other creatures make sounds and communicate sufficiently through them, only human beings have recognisable vocabularies and the ability to use words to express their thoughts and describe their feelings - definitively, intelligently and creatively. The reason for that is that we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and He has chosen to use words to explain what is seen and to reveal what has not been seen (Exodus 19:5-6).
Words are precise power tools with which God speaks to our minds and our hearts. Jesus, the exact representation of God’s being, is called the Word of God (Hebrews 1:3). When God spoke to people in Bible times, it was called the Word of God (Colossians 1:25). That is why preaching what the Bible says has the effect of God speaking and builds up those who hear (Hebrews 13:7). But false teaching is dangerous; ungodly talk destroys people, their relationships, and their faith (2 Peter 2:1-3). Falsehood is like sepsis or cancer - it initially spreads undetected until it becomes unstoppably destructive. It is also addictive; it creates a compulsive habit of mind and heart which enjoys playing with lies and spreading them to others.
It is not only false teachers who are dangerous. Gossips are just as bad (1 Timothy 5:13). Lies (both theological and social) spoken with confidence quickly become accepted as true; and as more people believe them, they become the ‘right things to believe’. But they are lies. Timothy must warn against the chattering undercurrent of false teaching, not even allowing it to be discussed lest it should gain credibility and eat away at people’s faith.
We also must constantly examine our motives as we choose who we listen to. And we need to watch our own tongues lest we ignite a forest fire that destroys many (James 3:6). Are we choosing to listen to, and share, sound and godly teaching? It will bring hope and peace to many. Or do we tolerate, encourage and love the pleasant chattering which is based on lies? They will eat into many souls like sepsis or cancer. Let us submit to God’s truth while there is time and stop the rot – in ourselves and in those around us (Proverbs 12:22).