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Freedom In Christ And Slavery Outside

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (NIVUK)

‘Freedom’ means different things to different people.  For some it is political freedom to express their views, for others it is release from prison, and some see it as the opportunity to fulfil their personal dreams.  Paul wrote about freedom in Christ, won by Jesus who freed us from our sins (Revelation 1:5).  The freedom is from the slavery of our sins, the guilt of our sins and the fear of punishment of our sins.  The freedom He gives us is the privilege of being able to enjoy the life God intended in relationship with Him, worshipping Him and serving Him for ever!

The challenge for the Galatian churches was, would they remain in the freedom Jesus Christ bought at such great cost, or would they go back to the slavery of trying hard but never achieving perfection?  That meant that they had a choice to make.  Would they stand firm on the gospel or slide back into spiritual self-reliance.  Paul urged them to stop listening to the false teachers and their pressure to return to the burden of legalistic religion (2 Peter 2:19), and enjoy the grace of Christ.  God never wanted humanity to be trapped by their own sin from which they could never escape in this life or the next.  Neither did He want people locked into a religious system which could never deliver freedom.  He desires that we should be glad hearted in His presence and free to worship Him
In Christ, we have forgiveness for our sins (Colossians 1:14), reconciliation with God who has been offended by our rebellion, adoption into His family and the certain promise of eternal life.  All that comes freely; it is gained without any effort on our part except to repent and confess our sins and trust that the blood of Jesus Christ is enough to satisfy God’s requirements (Ephesians 2:8-9).  It is important to maintain that liberty - to love Him and be loved by Him, to receive His grace each day and to praise Him for His goodness, and to serve Him in the strength which He provides.
It is foolish to assume that we can add any merit to what Christ has done: our gratitude is enough, as expressed in our worship and service.  However, all sorts of well-meaning people will want to get us tied up in religious activities which burden us rather than being the opportunity to express our thankfulness.  So stay firm.  Keep your faith rooted in what Christ has done for you and do not be lured back into the slavery of trying to earn your salvation.  Keep praising Him each day, thanking Him for His good gifts, and especially the free gifts of salvation and the Holy Spirit’s presence in your heart.

Father God. Thank You for the freedom of family love into which You brought me when I trusted in Jesus Christ. I am sorry when I forget that He has done all that is necessary for me to be forgiven and free. Please help me to praise You as a normal part of my lifestyle, as well as when I am in the church. Please keep me as faithful in expressing my thanks, as You are in expressing Your grace. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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