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The Sons And The Spirit

Galatians 4:6-7
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’ So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. (NIVUK)

The gospel is unique. It announces that people who believe in Jesus are made sons of God. They have a privileged and intimate relationship with their Maker; He allows them to come very close to Him, as children to their father. They are like former slaves who have been ransomed and adopted into their Master’s family. That radical change of status is a result of the Father’s deep love, the Son’s sacrifice and the Spirit’s indwelling presence.
The whole of the Godhead works together so that a sinner may be changed into a saint. We can never achieve that ourselves; it is entirely from God who chooses to focus His love on this broken world. The Son of God died to pay the punishment for our sins. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the gospel message, urges us to respond in faith, gives us a new birth into God’s family and then fills us with Himself. When that happens, the days of darkness are over, the terror of helpless slavery is gone; and instead of being an eternal outcast, we are co-inheritors of the riches of God’s kingdom for ever.
So, as James 4:8 says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” God has invited you to come close to Him; so do not hide from Him. He welcomes you to be pure; so confess your sins and know that the blood of Christ is sufficient to make you clean. Do not simply live for today, getting what you can and spending your time in selfish pleasure, because you have a priceless inheritance awaiting you. Do not work according to your best thoughts and efforts because the Spirit is within you, to inspire you and give you the energy to do God’s will today.

Wonderful Lord. Thank You for Your love in wanting to make me Your child, and sending Jesus and the Spirit to give me a new start and a new hope. I am sorry for the times I have dragged myself wearily through life, forgetting that I have immediate access to speak to You, and Your Spirit is within me to guide and energise my daily life. Please help me to come back to You in repentance and faith, trusting in Your unfailing love and Your Spirit’s limitless power. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams