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Relocating In Faith

Hebrews 11:8-10
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. (NIVUK)

It was not Abraham's idea to move from Ur in what is now southern Iraq. While he was there, God told him to leave what was familiar and go somewhere that he did not know (Genesis 12:1). The purpose was to make a great nation from that man. But Abraham was not in command of the family: his father Terah decided to move them all to Haran, a trade route cross-roads, which is now in south east Turkey. Abraham lived there until his father died, and then continued to follow the Lord's call into Canaan at age 75 (Genesis 12:4).

He lived as a Bedouin herd owner, with a portable tent for a home and flocks of sheep and goats to trade. By contrast Ur was a sophisticated city with elaborate buildings, underfloor heating which predated the Romans by 2,000 years, and well-established accounting practices for the many businesses which thrived there. It was a big change for Abraham – Haran was also a bustling city. Now he was out in the open country not knowing what would happen next.

But he trusted God, who has spoken to him clearly. He had held onto the divine call and knew he could not settle in Haran. Perhaps he was assuming that God would lead him to another big city; and certainly, he went to the capital of Egypt to escape a famine but the Lord was not in the move and he was chased out in shame (Genesis 12:10-20). He never found that earthly city but he was a part of God's plan to establish a new people who would look to God and populate the heavenly city.

The Bible's narrative is of people on the move. The early church was moved from place to place by persecution and the apostolic missionaries were impelled by Christ's great commission (Matthew 28:18-20). The gospel moved because people moved. The history of the church is one of relocation (Acts 8:1). Sometimes forced, sometimes moving in obedience to God's call. But the Lord is in command of placing His people where He chooses so that heaven will be populated from people who put their faith in Jesus. Is God moving you? Do not resist His call. Be available to Him, ask Him to confirm that inner impulse by also speaking to you through His Word. Seek the wisdom of others and as you discern the Lord's call, do not make excuses for staying when you should go. You cannot determine your future, but He already knows it and has planned for your blessing (Jeremiah 29:11). The most important thing is that you know you are following Jesus (John 14:6) - all the way to heaven - and along the way He will use you to help others to the heavenly city.

Lord of heaven and earth. Thank You for calling me to be in Your kingdom. I am sorry that I am too easily distracted and do not always follow Jesus. Please help me to be confident that as He calls me to follow Him each day, the way is safe and the destination is in Your plan. May I intentionally help others to keep trusting Jesus as we travel with Him to heaven. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams