A Wanted Man
Everybody knew that Jesus would be arrested sooner or later. The Council had agreed with the High Priest that Jesus should die (John 11:49-53), and although they did not know how to achieve their objective legally, the momentum of hatred against Jesus was unstoppable. Then the leaders involved the ordinary people: they had to report His location so that He could be arrested.
So, Jesus moved out of the village of Ephraim in the wild uncultivated Judean hills northeast of Jerusalem. It would not be easy for the temple guards to search for Him there. He was not hiding, and He was not afraid of them, nor would He eventually resist arrest. But He, and not they, was in charge of the timetable of His death which was to come at the Passover festival, because He is the Passover Lamb who would atone for the sins of the world (Luke 22:7; John 1:29).
Meanwhile, people were travelling from all over the country to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. Some of these really wanted to see Jesus, to hear Him and perhaps see a miracle. They expected Him to be in the temple. Indeed, every able-bodied Jewish man was commanded to join in the great pilgrimage celebration. Jesus started going to the Passover when He was twelve years old (Luke 2:41-42) and had already attended two Passovers during His ministry (John 2:13-25; John 6:4-15). There was every reason to think that He would not miss this next one. The Chief Priests and Pharisees wanted Him to come, too ... but for very different reasons!
Today, some people want Jesus out of their lives, and some want Him in. Wherever Jesus is known or talked about, He stirs people's opinions. Even those who care nothing about Him express their opinion that they do not want Him. But Jesus is not yet another social or religious commodity - His power and authority does not depend on pleasing the crowd. He is not dependent on the people who want Him, nor is He frightened by anyone who wants Him out of their lives. He chooses His time and place for everything. So, when He calls you, respond. When He sends you, go. When He promises, believe. When He commands, obey. And when He chooses to hide His face, it is always for a very good reason - so keep on being obedient and trust Him to reveal His answer at the right time.