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Affirming the Faithful

Luke 2:33-35
The child’s father and mother marvelled at what was said about him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: ‘This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.’ (NIVUK)

Young parents need all the support they can get.  Mary and Joseph were bearing the responsibility of the infant Jesus while many miles away from their family in Nazareth.  Over the previous year God had spoken to them through angels, relatives and shepherds.  All the messages said the same thing: that Mary's baby was the Saviour of the world (Matthew 1:21).  But how should they bring up such a child; there was nobody around who had any experience of caring for God the Son.  The Divine pregnancy and the relocation to Bethlehem had used all their energy, but now that life was starting to settle down, how should they think about the baby and what should they do?

Simeon's words were God's confirmation of all that had been revealed previously.  His identification of Jesus in the temple was only possible through the same Holy Spirit who had filled Mary.  Jesus' purpose on earth as the Saviour of both Jews and Gentiles was clearly confirmed in Simeon's prophetic song (Luke 2:28-32).  Mary would have reported to Luke how she and Joseph were embraced in a cycle of awesome admiration of Jesus, with wonder and thanksgiving about His destiny.  Yet their hearts were not afraid, but full and content (the Greek word for “marvelled” contains all these ideas).

But it was not all good news.  Simeon's blessing moved into words which were more disturbing.  Jesus would polarise people; their destiny would be linked to His, and He would face great opposition.  For Mary too, her darkest day was yet to come as she saw God's Son crucified on the cross for the sins of the world, but without fully understanding what was happening (John 19:25-27).  The joy of this child would become unutterable grief.

All good fathers communicate with their children.  Likewise, with God.  Often, we need confirmation of what we already know, so that we can grow in courage to face a difficult future.  God never promises a life free from suffering, and those who think otherwise get bitterly disappointed (John 16:33).  But God is amazing in the way in which He prepares us for the future.  He can use any method to get through to us.  Of course, none of those messages can ever contradict the written Scriptures – if they do, the Bible is always right.  The Lord will let You know the critical information, encouragement, or warning which you need - at just the right time (Luke 12:11-12).  He will use whoever He chooses to relay the message to you.  And He may also want to use you to give a message to somebody else.  So, live in tune with the Scriptures, praying about all the unknowns, and wait for the Lord to make His will obvious to you (Psalm 130:5-6).  It may be about work or family, community, or church.  But He will let you know: He is a speaking God!

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You that You share Your plans with Your people, and I want my heart to be easily accessible to You. Forgive me for the times when I have been so preoccupied with my own ambitions, that I fail to hear Your voice. Please help me to know Your will and be encouraged to keep on trusting You as Mary and Joseph did. Please also help me to be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit so that I may know how to recognise Your voice, and take courage for the next step. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams