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The Test of Time

Luke 16:16-17
‘The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law. (NIVUK)

Generally speaking, if something does not last, it has little value.  The test of time proves the reliability of a product, the depth of a relationship, and the potency of an idea.  Jesus never disrespected the Old Testament law, but He pointed to Himself as the person who was fulfilling it (Matthew 5:17).  Up until the time of John the Baptist, the Old Testament law was the only guidance to know what was good and pleasing to God.  But when Jesus came, the ordinary people saw that He was good in every way - pleasing to God and good news for the world (John 6:38) – to follow Him was to please God (John 6:29).

But the Pharisees and religious lawyers had a vested interest in perpetuating the law and despising Jesus.  Like all professional legalists they made their money by claiming to be experts in interpretation.  However, time and time again Jesus showed that their understanding was very limited, and they were blind to the fact that He was the fulfilment of more than 2,000 years of prophesy (John 8:56).

On the other hand, the gospel of the kingdom was so attractive that many people in the towns and villages forced their way through the crowds to hear what Jesus had to say (Mark 5:24).  The religious experts simply could not see that Jesus honoured every word that the prophets had written.  These truths had stood the test of time and now revealed Jesus as God's answer to sin - the world's inability to keep God's righteous law (Romans 3:23).

Today many people are searching for the truth, and it is not far away from them.  Jesus is the only person who has fully kept God's law and the only person who can rescue us from His punishment when we fail to keep it.  Not only does God's Word stand for ever, but those who trust in Jesus will also live for all eternity.  All other words will fade away as will all those who refuse to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.  So, whatever your circumstances, whether people love you or hate you for being a Christian, remember that those who trust in the Lord are secure all their lives and for all eternity.  The security which this brings should give us daily confidence to tackle the challenges knowing that the future is safe in His hands (Psalm 125:1).

Almighty God. Thank You that Your truth endures for ever, and so do all those people who put their trust in Jesus. Please forgive me when I forsake the security which comes in Christ for the passing pleasures of this world which cannot stand the test of time and will never last into eternity. May I meditate on these truths and gain fresh comfort and strength from Your Holy Spirit's work within me so that I may be effective to uphold Your truth and live in it every day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams