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Personal Encounter with Jesus

Matthew 9:9-12
As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. 'Follow me,' he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, 'Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?' On hearing this, Jesus said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but those who are ill.' (NIVUK)

This part of Matthew's gospel is very personal to the writer: it is about himself.  In those days, tax collectors were corrupt. They extorted more money than the Romans demanded and kept the rest for themselves. Their dishonesty was so obvious, and they were so hated, making them as socially undesirable as prostitutes who were described as 'sinners' (Luke 5:30-32).  Nobody wanted them.  But Jesus wanted Matthew and called him to leave his old way of life and follow Him.  The cheating accountant left behind his fraudulent financial security for a life of uncertainty - except he believed in Jesus and trusted Him to provide.

Matthew's personal testimony is an important part of the gospel account.  He was not only an author but a demonstration of the power of the gospel.  Having repented of his corrupt way of life, he was not ashamed to invite all his former colleagues to meet Jesus and hear His message (John 1:44-46).  Repentance and joyful witness are at the heart of every true response to the gospel.  Matthew wanted his readers to understand that following Jesus is not a religious rite but a wholehearted lifestyle transition which is good for everybody (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Matthew did not ignore his colleagues.  He was so impressed with Jesus that he wanted them all to meet the Lord.  That is why Matthew hosted a dinner at his house and invited some of the despised women too.  Jesus was simply glad that they had come to Matthew's 'leaving party' where He was the main guest.  However, the Pharisees did not approve at all.  They thought that if Jesus was a good teacher, then He would have nothing to do with bad people.  But Jesus reminded His disciples that He had come like a doctor, not to reassure those who thought they were healthy but to heal people who were morally sick. That ‘healing’ included His forgiveness (Luke 7:36-50).

The gospel demands a response.  The call of Jesus requires an answer.  While many claim to be Christian through adhering to a rule-based discipline, true believers are repenting of their former lifestyle and are full of joy as they are forgiven and accepted by God.  This joy is expressed in a deep desire for their friends and colleagues to know Jesus too.  There is no spiritual value in being religiously smug and looking down on bad people (Luke 18:9-14).  If you say you believe in Him, have you asked for His forgiveness?  If you profess to be forgiven, do you have a desire that others might also have their guilt taken away?  If you say you know Him, are you introducing others to Him? (Show them www.crosscheck.org.uk)

Saving God. Thank You for saving me; calling me away from destructive patterns of living to follow Jesus. I am sorry that I sometimes fall back into some old bad habits and have never properly submitted others to Christ's Lordship. Please help me to follow more closely after Jesus, as I welcome Your Holy Spirit to transform me from the inside. Please give me a deep compassion for my friends and colleagues who do not yet know Jesus: help me to be unashamed of Him. In His Name. Amen.
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