The Narrow Road to Life
Jesus drew a word-picture of two different ways through life as two roads entered by two different gates. Most people travel on the broad road; it is wide enough to accommodate everybody. They did not necessarily choose the path, they just followed everybody else. The way onto that path was well trodden, without any obstructions, and no indication that it will end in disaster. The second road is much narrower. Even so, it was not crowded. The entrance to that path was not easy to locate; people had to search until they found it. At the end of the narrow path, it widened out to a remarkable place which was full of life. On the face of it, the choice of which road is obvious: the one which ends in life. But most people were not on that road.
Jesus instructed His listeners to enter the narrow gate. That required an active choice: to ignore the wide gate and abandon the broad way. However, the narrow gate was hidden to most people; only those who sought it out would find it - hence the command to search for the gate and enter it (Matthew 7:7). Most people live for the moment. They cannot see the consequences of their actions and unless they have instructions from God, they cannot know what lies at the end of the road. That is why the Bible has been written, to tell us the things we cannot otherwise know; things which are critical to our eternal future.
Those two roads still exist. Everybody is on one or the other. Most people are on the broad road which goes far away from God, never passes the cross of Christ and leads to hell. By contrast, Jesus Christ is the narrow gate which allows one-by-one entry to eternal life (John 10:7-9), as we surrender our sins to Christ's blood and our lives to Christ's glory. Its destination is the presence of God (Revelation 7:9-12).
But it is a hard choice to enter and to stay on that path. Our friends and colleagues will mock us, our family may reject us and the world will think we are fools. Persecution will be normal, loneliness may be frequent, and life in the fast lane will seem to pass us by. But God will be our friend, Jesus will be our advocate and the Holy Spirit will be our comforter: instead of hell, we find heaven at the end of the road. Instead of isolation, we will gather with millions of other believers. So, enter the narrow gate, stay on the narrow way and encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same (